L'oeil martial (Warlike eye) 50x70 cm oil on canvas
L'oeil martial (Warlike eye) 50x70 cm oil on canvas
Attention à toi (Pay attention) 50x70cm oil on canvas
Attention à toi (Pay attention) 50x70cm oil on canvas
En Majesté (In majesty) 50x70cm oil on canvas
En Majesté (In majesty) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"Battement champêtre" (Country beat) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"Battement champêtre" (Country beat) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"L'œil du maître" (The master eye) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"L'œil du maître" (The master eye) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"Ramage" (Rooming) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"Ramage" (Rooming) 50x70cm oil on canvas
"Coq empourpré" (Flushed rooster) 60x80cm oil on canvas
"Coq empourpré" (Flushed rooster) 60x80cm oil on canvas
"Crête impériale"(Imperial crest) 100 x 120 cm oil on canvas
"Crête impériale"(Imperial crest) 100 x 120 cm oil on canvas
"Le roi des poules" ( The king of hens) 80x80 - oil on canvas
"Le roi des poules" ( The king of hens) 80x80 - oil on canvas
"L'empereur" (The emperor) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"L'empereur" (The emperor) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"C'est l'heure" (It's time) 80x80cm oil on canvas
"C'est l'heure" (It's time) 80x80cm oil on canvas
"Brave coq" (Brave rooster) 70x90cm oil on canvas
"Brave coq" (Brave rooster) 70x90cm oil on canvas
"Coq dragon" ( Dragon rooster) 80 x 80cm - oil on canvas
"Coq dragon" ( Dragon rooster) 80 x 80cm - oil on canvas
"Ébouriffé" ( Ruffled) 80x80cm - oil on canvas
"Ébouriffé" ( Ruffled) 80x80cm - oil on canvas
"Gallo imperia" 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Gallo imperia" 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Je suis prêt" (I am ready) 50x60cm oil on canvas
"Je suis prêt" (I am ready) 50x60cm oil on canvas
"Je t'ai à l'œil" ( I keep an eye on you) 100x100cm oil on canvas
"Je t'ai à l'œil" ( I keep an eye on you) 100x100cm oil on canvas
"Je vole" (I Fly) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Je vole" (I Fly) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Laissez-moi dormir" (Let me sleep) 80x100 oil on canvas
"Laissez-moi dormir" (Let me sleep) 80x100 oil on canvas
"Monseigneur" (Your grace) 100x80 cm oil on canvas
"Monseigneur" (Your grace) 100x80 cm oil on canvas
"Parure de fête"(Feast finery) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Parure de fête"(Feast finery) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Si je t'attrape" ( If I catch you) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Si je t'attrape" ( If I catch you) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"A la parade" ( At parade) 80x100cm - oil on canvas
"A la parade" ( At parade) 80x100cm - oil on canvas
"A l'attaque" (Let’s attack) 80x80cm oil on canvas
"A l'attaque" (Let’s attack) 80x80cm oil on canvas
"Après l'effort" (After effort) 80x100cm oil on canvas
"Après l'effort" (After effort) 80x100cm oil on canvas